to Nov 30

Embodiment for post-viral challenge

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Embodiment for post-viral challenge

is a series of weekly classes over 10 weeks, starting September 21st 2023. 

Thursdays 10 - 11.30am at the Centre for Science and Art, 13 Lansdown, Stroud. 

A largely floor and mat-based class where you'll learn how to support any and all of your body's systems as they find new ways to function after being tested by viral challenges. 

Our bodies may be as much as 75% fluids, however they easily becomes less fluid with the stresses and strains of living, including illness.

Disrupted or diminished fluid and fluid movement affects 
. mobility 
. energy levels 
. systems (nervous, digestive, circulatory, hormonal, muscular etc)
. cognitive abilities (brain fog, memory etc) 
. function or disfunction 
. pain or ease 

Our bodies are an onging fluid process where change is constant. 

The Body Harmony Continuum techniques you'll learn help you to engage with this constant change and bring ease and flow to the places which have lost it. 

You will only go at your own body's pace which makes it safe and under your control. 
Practical, efficient and when you practice, it brings surprising results. 

If you have any questions please feel free to contact me

Open to anyone personally facing challenges or professionally assisting others. 

I've also had personal experience of post-viral challenge in recent years and bring my individual research and experience to the group. 

Drop-in fee £10 per class.
10 week fee £90 (when paid by October 5th) 
Sponsorship fee £120 (help someone else attend)
Scholarship fee £70 (if you have financial challenge) 

Sign-up here
or call 07899 014619

Enrolment is required in order to manage space and receive pre-class information. Thank you.

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Body Harmony for Resilience in Times of Change
2:30 PM14:30

Body Harmony for Resilience in Times of Change

Three part online course April 2020

Body Harmony is an invitation to know your own embodied experience, to listen, learn and follow your body’s wisdom in relation to its own entirely unique existence. For yourself, your clients and everyone in your world.

Lindsay McLeod M.A. is an International Body Harmony Teacher, Translator and Practitioner. One of the founding committee members of the Body Harmony Association of Body Harmony founder Dr. Don McFarland. She has practiced, translated and taught Body Harmony globally for 28 years.

Join Lindsay as she introduces us to the radical but simple approaches of Body Harmony to bring greater settled spaciousness and ease into our own lived experience and that of our clients.

You can find more course details here:

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